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Clarify your target through the different types of tourism

clarify your target through the different types of tourism
Clarify your target through the different types of tourism
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To market directly to your prospective clients it is crucial to understand what type of tourism they are looking for and what mentality they are bringing into the trip. So, clarifying your target through the different types of tourism will help advertise effectively to them. On the other hand, providing them with specifically selected added values and tours can increase your sales and your reviews numbers. 

Different types of tourism

The three main types of tourism are inbound, domestic and outbound tourism. Inbound tourism refers to the incoming tourists from other countries. Domestic tourism speaks of local tourists from the same country. Outbound tourism alludes to the locals that travel outside the country for tourism purposes. Nevertheless, there are different categories of tourism that could include any if not all of these three.

Health and Wellness Tourism

This category focuses more on self-care, holistic development and rejuvenation. It is currently trending among travelers because of the global inclination towards dealing with mental health. This type of tourism includes activities that help physical and mental well-being, such as spa treatments, yoga retreats and meditation practices. It offers relaxation, stress relief and rejuvenation, as well as a healthy lifestyle and a detox from the everyday nourishment.

Health and wellness tourism
Health and wellness tourism

Rural Tourism

Embraces the search for something simpler in remote locations and focuses on visitor experience rather than attractions or tours. Rural tourism could have the sole purpose of experiencing a specific event, and is usually known to accommodate its travelers at B&B’s or Guest Houses with pets and very family operated. It is perfect for people who enjoy strolls, want to disconnect from their daily lives and a less polluted environment. It is a serene escapade to an idyllic countryside where simplicity and authenticity are key.

Business Tourism

Business tourism is when professionals travel for specific work-related events such as seminars, trade fairs, conferences and meetings. Usually these kinds of travelers only check into the hotel and use their food services. Nevertheless, one of the booming trends is bleisure or workation, which means, they extend their stay to enjoy the destination or they participate more in leisure travel before or after their regular work hours or events.

Culinary Tourism

Refers to the type of tourism that highlights the gastronomy of the destination whether it’s food or drink. A subtype would be enotourism. Activities within this category include visiting restaurants, food events, tastings, meeting chefs, offbeat destinations to try local ingredients, cooking classes and market visits. It has the goal of exploring the local cuisine and food culture, which is why they are looking for authenticity and sometimes gourmet style.

Culinary tourism
Culinary Tourism

Sports Tourism

Speaks of travel because of sporting events, such as competitions where the traveler participates or attends just to watch. It is generally a seasonal type of tourism, because it is only in high demand during the tournament season. However, it looks for storage for sporting equipment, fitness facilities and healthy balanced menus; as well as, the best organization and services to make the stay easier on the athletes.

Religious Tourism

From religious sites and events, festivals and pilgrimages, churches, temples and mosques, religious tourism seeks spiritual upliftment, reflection and connection to the faith and traditions. Some of the activities included may be visits or participating in rituals and ceremonies.

Adventure Tourism

Includes all kinds of activities, from safaris, whale watching and birdwatching to rafting, skiing, hiking, biking, diving, snorkeling, camping. It also embraces visits to wildlife conservation parks or other natural parks. It poses a special interest in safety measures, equipment, storage and prices per package.

Cultural Tourism

Centered on history, traditions, arts and other aspects of cultural heritage, it requires a high level of engagement between tour guides and visitors. Some of the focal points are visits to museums and historical sites, art galleries and architectural monuments. However, it also pursues cross cultural understanding and appreciation through the interaction with locals and their way of life.

Cultural tourism
Cultural Tourism


Takes a sustainable direction wanting to reduce waste and the carbon footprint and takes part in other sustainable practices. It defends the conservation of natural and cultural heritage while minimizing the impact on local communities. Nevertheless, it wishes to boost the local economy and promotes the use of eco-friendly accommodations, nature oriented activities and responsible travel.

Shopping Tourism

Focuses on finding and buying brands and objects that are not available in other countries or cities. It is common in popular fashion destinations such as Paris, Milan, London, New York, Dubai and Tokyo. Another reason for this type of tourism is to find more accessible prices or to show a “luxurious” lifestyle by bringing back suitcases full of newly bought stuff.

Clarifying your target through the different types of tourism can consequently increase the number and quality of your reviews. In order to manage them effectively, TourReview offers the perfect solution. A software that unifies and collects all the reviews for every platform you have signed up for and allows you to respond, view and filter in one single dashboard. It also creates different types of reports with different focuses and lets you program them per date and per recipient. 

Shopping Tourism
Shopping Tourism

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