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How to create affordable luxury travel tours and experiences?

Luxury travel experiences

Making your tours more luxurious will make visitors feel extra special at an affordable price. As a result, they will have a more positive experience to talk about and review on OTA’s, such as TripAdvisor. Having more positive reviews of your tours will improve your online reputation, which will give potential travelers a trustworthy image […]

The top 5 cities with the highest travel quality in Germany

The 5 cities with the highest travel quality in Germany

Also known as the land of beer and Oktoberfest some of its most popular cities, apart from the capital –Berlin-, are Munich, Frankfurt and Cologne. With an unbelievably heavy history, it holds several WW2 interest points; yet it also has attractions like the magical Neuschwanstein Castle which served as inspiration to the iconic Disney castle. […]

Top 10 Destinations for Carnival Season Worldwide

top destinations for carnival season

The origin of carnival is attributed to three different civilizations, the Sumerian people, the Old Rome and the Middle Age. Nevertheless, in today’s version of carnival, the constants throughout the world are color, music, dance, creative masks, originality and satire. In the Middle Age, it was about letting go of inhibition before Lent, in the […]

Offer the perfect added values for your tours on Valentine’s day

Offer the perfect added values for your tours on valentines day

14th of February, Valentine’s day, the day of love. According to an article last updated in 2023 of The New York Times, the origin of Valentine’s day is quite the mystery, nevertheless, there are several theories on how it came to be. The most popular one is that it originated from the roman wine-fueled fertility […]

Trends in Fitur Madrid 2024

Trends in Fitur 2024

Last week, from the 24th to the 28th of January, IFEMA hosted Fitur 2024, in which several countries from all continents shared a piece of their culture. Fitur is the international tourism fair in Spain where different tour operators go to do networking and attract more people to their countries, but it also gathers the […]

The 10 cities with the best travel quality in Spain

Top ten travel quality cities in Spain

Spain is one of the most attractive countries for any type of tourism. From gastronomic experiences and wine tasting to hiking and camping, to city tours and tourist attractions or monuments and any other travel trend. Its rich culture allows any traveler to experience a 360° experience embracing all the senses with music, food, architecture, […]

How to become the best option for Gen Z travelers

Become the best option for Gen Z travelers

Why cater to Gen Z travelers?  Gen Z or Gen Zers is the new generation of young adults born from 1997 to 2012. This means, they are entering the workforce and haven’t reached their peak income. However, they are also the generation that spent their early twenties in the lockdown of the pandemic, which means […]

Japan, the new top destination for 2024

Japan the new top destination for 2024

Japan is a country known for its very rich culture, incredibly stunning architecture and delicious food. According to Skyscanner, it is also one of the fastest growing destinations for 2024 with an increase in search of over +200%. Nevertheless, there are three cities that stood out the most, Osaka, Tokyo and Kyoto, all within the […]

Become a sustainable Tour Operator in 2024

become a sustainable tour operator 2024

Being a sustainable Tour Operator means having a vision and mission oriented to the concern and help of the environment. Today’s travelers are mostly Gen Z and Millennials and these are generational groups that have sustainability as a core value in their daily lives. Hence, the latest trend in sustainable travel. The main points to […]

2024 travel trends to improve your tours this new year

travel trends to improve your tours

2024 will be a year of worldwide caution with the war in Ukraine and in Israel and the several natural disasters that have hit this year like the earthquakes in Morocco and Turkey and the volcano eruption in Iceland. As a result, people may avoid these areas or travel under extreme safety measures. Be that […]

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