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Summer Value-adds for Tour Operators: Maximizing Summer Fun

Summer added values for Tour Operators
Summer added values for Tour Operators
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Summer is the peak season for travel, and as a tour operator, offering unique and thoughtful value-added services can greatly enhance your customers’ experiences and in turn, your online reviews. Summer trips tend to be longer trips with more complex itineraries, so they are likely to have the most tours booked per tourist. Curating your tours and experiences to add value to your products and be the best choice for visitors is the perfect strategy to increase sales and positive online reviews

Here are a few innovative ideas to consider: 

1. Summer Gift Bags

Enhance the comfort and convenience of your guests by offering a complimentary summer gif bag. Include essentials such as: 

  • Sun block: Protect your guests from the harsh sun. 
  • Water Bottles: Keep them hydrated throughout the tour. 
  • Portable Fans: Provide relief from the heat. 

This thoughtful gesture not only shows that you care but also ensures a pleasant tour experience

Summer Gift Bag
Summer Gift Bag

2. Evening Tours

Adjust your tour schedules to include late evening options when temperatures are cooler. This can make the tour more comfortable and enjoyable. Consider: 

  • Sunset Tours: Perfect for scenic locations. 
  • Night Walks: Explore the city or natural landscapes under the stars. 

Not only does this beat the heat, it gives your travelers a different perspective and ambiance. 

Evening Tours
Evening Tours

3. Special Summer Activities

Add unique activities to your tours to make them more appealing: 

  • Campfires and Live Music: Organize evening campfires with snacks and live music for an unforgettable experience. 
  • Outdoor Concerts: Partner with local musicians to offer live performances of local talent. 

These activities can create lasting memories and provide a fun and interactive way to experience the destination. 

Summer Activities
Summer Activities

4. Family-Friendly Games

Summer is a popular time for family vacations because the kids are out of school. Keep them entertained with engaging games as activities or even throughout the tour: 

  • Scavenger Hunts: Create themed scavenger hunts based on highlights of the tour, small details they can be on the look for. 
  • Interactive Storytelling: Engage kids with stories related to the tour’s destinations. 
  • Educational Activities: Fun, informative games that align with the tour’s focus. 

These activities keep families having fun together and make your tours more enjoyable for all ages. It will also be a plus for families looking to book tours and can lead to more positive reviews after the tour

Summer Tour Games
Summer Tour Games

5. Branded Merchandise

Offer branded merchandise such as caps at a reasonable price. This serves several purposes: 

  • Sun Protection: Branded caps provide much-needed shade and are often forgotten by travelers. They also raise awareness of your tour company. 
  • Souvenir: Guests have a keepsake of their tour. 

Make sure these items are affordable to encourage more purchases and increase brand awareness. 

Summer Brand Merchandising
Summer Brand Merchandising

6. Pre-Trip Recommendations 

Send a list of pre-tour recommendations to your guests the day before the tour. Include tips such as: 

  • Weather Forecasts: Provide information on expected weather conditions. 
  • Packing Tips: Suggest what to bring (e.g., hats, sunglasses, comfortable shoes). 
  • Health Tips: Remind guests to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen. 

This proactive communication will help your guests prepare and ensure they have everything they need for a comfortable and enjoyable tour. 

Summer Pre-Travel Recommendations
Summer Pre-Travel Recommendations

By implementing these summer value-adds, tour operators can significantly enhance the customer experience and ensure fun and memorable tours. Focus on comfort, family-friendly activities, and proactive communication to stand out in the competitive summer travel market.  

TourReview offers a solution to manage online reviews while gaining important data for your business, an AI and BI integrated software that specializes in centralizing online reviews from different OTAs, such as TripAdvisor. It also provides tour operators with several different unbiased analytics, such as sentiment analysis. TourReview is the ultimate tool to improve your online reputation and refine the quality of your customer experience. 

Follow us on Instagram @tourreviewofficial 

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