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Types of customer satisfaction surveys and the data driven insights and analytics they provide

Types of customer satisfaction surveys and the data driven insights they provide.
Types of customer satisfaction surveys and the data driven insights they provide.
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In the tourism industry, customer satisfaction surveys are the primary and vital tool to improve the customer experience quality and become the best option for potential travelers. This will shoot your sales through the roof and guarantee you an increase of bookings. That’s why it is critical to choose the best types of customer satisfaction surveys for your tour operating business, keeping in mind the data-driven insights you want to collect and the ease with which customers will actually want to leave a review.

Benefits of customer satisfaction surveys and data driven insights

Online reviews are the most important KPI for a tour operator, they reflect the users opinion on a product or service. They provide full social proof of the validity and quality of a company and could be a key decision making factor during a purchase process. This can be gained through customer satisfaction surveys distributed on channels where the clients are most likely to respond, such as SMS, email, business review sites or custom branded landing pages.

These are a form of direct feedback that transforms into solid data to back up decisions and keep the company informed on the understanding of clients. You can find out your customers’ needs , and be on top of customer experience quality. All this serves the purpose of improving your service and products to create customer loyalty and engagement

SMS or email for customer satisfaction survey's distribution
SMS or email for customer satisfaction survey’s distribution

Types of customer satisfaction surveys

Customer satisfaction surveys measure customer experience success and quality. They are a way to find out the best aspects of your service and products and the areas to improve. Nevertheless, the different types of customer satisfaction surveys can provide various data driven insights that are very useful to the company’s constant improvement.

CSAT (customer satisfaction score) 

These specific types of surveys pop right after an interaction or purchase on your screen and are usually numerically or emoji-based. The customer rate their experience with the representation of the range from excellent to poor. This survey also allows for follow up questions to get a more detailed version of the rating.

CSAT- customer satisfaction survey
CSAT- customer satisfaction survey

NPS (net promoter score)

This metric focuses on the customer loyalty to the brand and categorizes customers based on their ratings. So, customers who rate you between 9-10 are called promoters, because their reviews positively promote your brand. Those who rate you from 7-8 are called passives. Those who rate you from 0-6 are called detractors, because they detract value from your brand. NPS also allows for open-ended questions to dig deeper into the reasons for the review.

NPS- customer satisfaction survey
NPS- customer satisfaction survey

CES (customer effort score)

With CES you can quantify the effort customers put into doing business with a company. It evaluates the transaction or process the customer goes through and ranks the effort they put into it, from easy to difficult. In this way, you can gain insight into whether your purchasing process is effective and easy to use, or if it needs improvement, just like your company’s communication with customers.

CES- customer satisfaction survey
CES- customer satisfaction survey

Visual Rating

Visual ratings are the most powerful, fast, and intuitive way to measure customer satisfaction. They can rate and rank their experience with graphics such as emoticons, stars, or thumbs up or down. This seamless measurement also allows for follow up messages to go deeper into the qualification and rating received.

Visual Rating- customer satisfaction survey
Visual Rating- customer satisfaction survey

Types of questions for data-driven insights and analysis

Another factor in what kind of hard data you collect is the type of questions you ask in your customer satisfaction surveys. They can be more or less detailed, they can be easier or more tedious for customers to complete, depending on the depth and type of analysis you are seeking.

Binary Scale

These are yes or no, true or false questions. They only give the customer only two options, positive or negative, to rate their experience, making it faster and more seamless. It also makes it more likely that customers will actually review the experience. But they are also very limited in terms of answers, they don’t allow for explanation of their rating.

Binary Scale
Binary Scale

Rating Scale

A rating scale usually provides a 5 point satisfaction survey, where you can rate your satisfaction with the experience from low to high. You can often find these in the form of visual ratings with stars, CSAT or CES.

Rating Scale
Rating Scale

Likert Scale

The Likert Scale, unlike the rating scale, can go up to 7 points. So you can find them in 1-5 surveys or the ones that go from strongly disagree to strongly agree, giving it 7 points of satisfaction to choose from. They are structured from low to high and allow the user to be more specific about the satisfaction level of their experience.

Likert Scale
Likert Scale

Open-ended scale

The open-ended scale refers to open-ended questions that give reviewers free space to provide detailed feedback or suggestions about their purchase or experience. These are usually seen as follow-up questions after another type of scale or survey or directly as an addition to an NPS or CES.

Open Ended Scale
Open Ended Scale

In the tours and activities industry, online reviews are the main pillar of a tour operator’s online reputation. These will determine the level of trust and quality of service that is displayed online, consequently this will be the primary decision making factor for travelers to purchase a tour or activity. Hence, the importance of online reputation management and well chosen customer satisfaction surveys. 

However, it can be very difficult to keep track of all the reviews you get from all the different platforms, such as TripAdvisor. That is why, TourReview offers the perfect solution, an AI and BI integrated software that specializes in centralizing online reviews and providing detailed analysis of the sentiment and performance of the experiences. You can download and schedule reports that focus on the most important KPI, the customer’s voice. 

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