Tours categories: Sightseeing Tours

Sightseeing Tours

We took a sample of 500 tour operators with the best reviews on TripAdvisor, GetYourGuide, Expedia, Google, etc. According to hard data gathered by the TourReview software and online visitor reviews, the most popular tour category is sightseeing tours. Sightseeing tours are focused on visiting historical sites, the most famous landmarks and attractions. Therefore, they […]

The top 5 cities with the highest travel quality in Germany

The 5 cities with the highest travel quality in Germany

Also known as the land of beer and Oktoberfest some of its most popular cities, apart from the capital –Berlin-, are Munich, Frankfurt and Cologne. With an unbelievably heavy history, it holds several WW2 interest points; yet it also has attractions like the magical Neuschwanstein Castle which served as inspiration to the iconic Disney castle. […]

The top 10 countries with the highest travel quality in Europe

The top 10 countries with the best travel quality in Europe

Europe is a very attractive destination for travelers, whether they are domestic or  inbound tourism, usually because of the rich history and culture of the continent. Europe itself had 11 782 911 reviews in 2023, leaving it a qualification of 4.16. Nevertheless, certain countries had a special spotlight according to the online reviews on platforms […]

Change through feedback: how to profit from online reviews as a tour operator

Change through feedback

Feedback and reviews, they tell you the most important data for your business. They show you the most important KPI, the customer’s voice. Feedback shouldn’t be taken personally, it is just a comment on the client’s experience that could help you grow, hence the importance of online reviews. Based on their opinions about what they […]

Travel AI for Tour Operators

Travel AI for Tour Operators

Generative AI has given the world a science fiction-like form of practicality and solutions. It allows for the seamless and accurate simplification of many processes in all kinds of industries. Tours & Attractions businesses use AI to create and optimize descriptions and listings, improve customer service and communications, and streamline online booking operations. Consequently, the […]

How to optimize your TripAdvisor presence as a tour operator

Optimize your TripAdvisor presence as a tour operator

Online Travel Agencies usually have very high commissions, however they offer an ensured flow of constant reservations and a much wider range of opportunities. TripAdvisor is one of the most popular platforms and it works worldwide, which is why it has around 160 million visitors each month, according to Statista. This makes it a great […]

Valentine’s day top destinations worldwide

Valentine's Day top destinations

Valentine’s day is the holiday about romance and friendship, the day you give the people you love a little extra appreciation. The traditional gifts to show them your love tend to be flowers and chocolates, nevertheless, especially in long term couples, big trips or local weekend getaways are also a common present. So, during this […]

Offer the perfect added values for your tours on Valentine’s day

Offer the perfect added values for your tours on valentines day

14th of February, Valentine’s day, the day of love. According to an article last updated in 2023 of The New York Times, the origin of Valentine’s day is quite the mystery, nevertheless, there are several theories on how it came to be. The most popular one is that it originated from the roman wine-fueled fertility […]

Clarify your target through the different types of tourism

clarify your target through the different types of tourism

To market directly to your prospective clients it is crucial to understand what type of tourism they are looking for and what mentality they are bringing into the trip. So, clarifying your target through the different types of tourism will help advertise effectively to them. On the other hand, providing them with specifically selected added […]

Trends in Fitur Madrid 2024

Trends in Fitur 2024

Last week, from the 24th to the 28th of January, IFEMA hosted Fitur 2024, in which several countries from all continents shared a piece of their culture. Fitur is the international tourism fair in Spain where different tour operators go to do networking and attract more people to their countries, but it also gathers the […]

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